Night talk

20 апреля 2024 г. в 03:31
Маленький кусочек для тех, кому интересно… Я не использовала переводчик, поэтому некоторые слова или фразы могут быть слегка некорректными, но, в целом, вроде нормально. Пока не могу писать главы, просто публикую этот, можно сказать, имейджин про Джастина и Элеонору Рид из фанфика «Silver shards»😅❤️ 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Justin still stares at me, and then I automatically bite my lip, cause of this atmosphere. It’s so weird, how confusion can be so intimate… His eyes sparkles with devil’s fire but just for a half of a second. — «Well…» — he said. — «Now I want to hear your point.» He steps closer. Just a little bit, but my heart pumps that hard, so I thought it would break my chest. — «So tell me, Eleonore. Am I fucking jerk as you thought?» — he asks. His voice little bit cracked, I think, cause of the tension, but maybe it’s just a mad he held inside. Chocolate eyes still stares at mine, so I can’t hold this no more. — «Do you?» — I whispered. Justin smiles softly, the first sweet smile I see! — «I am, Reed. But…» — his fingertips touches my cheek, and butterflies in stomach starts a madness… I swallowed, because this feelings make me wanna cry. — «But what do you think about me? Honestly.» — «I think you’re should be in your bed at this time, Justin Bieber.» — I said. Fuck, he may be so mad at me… But Justin silently holds my chin and pull to himself. I feeling his breath. Hot, like hell’s fire, and wanted, like sweetest candy… Bieber stops at a couple of centimeters before I can feel his lips and smiles at me. Even though his cheeks already were blushy, and chest rising roughly, he calmly said. — «Maybe I should. But you should either.» I’m blinked, realizing that he really said that. — «W-what?» — I whispered shocked. — «We should be in my bed right now, Eleonore. Did you hear me?» — his joyful smile lighting his face and for a second I thought that we lost this intimacy… But Justin steps closer, grab me by the waist and kiss my lips. Passionately, head-breaking… He pulls me closer, holding all my body in big and strong arms. I can see now — I’ve lost my mind in this man. Absolutely falls in love with biggest hater in my life. This is the end! I thought… 〰️〰️〰️〰️ Как-то так. Надеюсь, вам не скучно без меня 😅(самомнение, конечно, вышка))) Но я очень скучаю!!❤️ Люблю вас, пишите что-нибудь ❤️😭
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