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За гремучую доблесть грядущих веков (Осип Мандельштам)

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For a valor of centuries that are to come, For humanity's highstanding tribe I gave all: I gave my life, and I gave my soul, And my bowl, and my joy, and my pride. Now the age of a wolfhound is pouncing at me, I was never a wolf anyway. Better take me like that cap and tuck in a sleeve Of a coat of Siberian plains. So I would not be able to see all this dirt And a violence for every day; So a blue polar foxes in primal adore Could of shine for me, showing the way. Lead me to dark and misty shores of Yenisei, Where a pine trees are reaching the star. I was never a wolf by the blood in my veins, So I can not be murdered by one. It is not dirty-yellow galore of a press, It is not countrygirl's lucky charms, It is hot-breathing hot-blooded mouth of a men Boiling over and singing aloud. Lead me to dark and misty shores of Yenisei, To the hut of a six-fingered lie. I was never a wolf by the blood in my veins, In a coffin of pine shall I lie.
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