ID работы: 10360969

Lullaby for my son

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Часть 1

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      Calm down, my son, close your eyes. I’ll tell you not a fairy tale, but the very truth that comes from the depths of Siberian earth, from the mother’s heart.       Listen, my child.       Once upon a time when everything was alive, and even every stone had its soul, there lived a woman. Her name was Siberia, and the land where she lived was named Siberia too. They were connected by their souls – you know, like you and I. Siberian land was ancient, severe, rich and majestic. Siberia-woman, that beautiful and mighty warrior, was its guardian. The great power it was: she could overcome rocky mountains and cold rivers, she ran like a fleet-footed deer, she looked over the land from the sky by a hawk’s eye. Every wild animal was obedient to her, and the earth itself opened her its secrets and showed the treasures. Her heart was a firm lock to her land. No one dared to attack or hurt that land.       But one day something happened. There was a big boat rocking on the waves of the river, and a young man stood on the shore. He was tall and handsome, and his smile touched the soul. Siberia had never met such a man. Ermak was his name, he came from behind the mountains, and he was able to conquer the heart of a beautiful warrior. Siberian land loved him too, and all its wealth revealed to him. That was the happy time, but many other people came after Ermak, and not everybody had good intentions. Some of them were greedy, or cruel, or evil, or all-in-one.       For many, many years the Siberian land was suffering and undergoing hardships and deprivation. And all that time it was waiting. It was waiting for its true master. And now, I want to tell you something. There is no need to conquer the Siberia, because the real conqueror had seen the heart of Siberia, he was born by Siberia. The Siberian rivers are his veins and the ore is his backbone. He only needs to grow up, and Siberian land will get the best man as the master - with a kind heart, a sharp mind, clear eyes and epic power. May it be so.       Sleep, my son. I will cherish your dream for the time being. Sleep, the flesh and blood of my blood. I am your mother. I am Siberia.      
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