ID работы: 10415390

Дополнительные материалы к русским сказкам для проповедей

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Английские сказки для проповедей (Entry to Russian preaching stories translated)

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In the ancient city Pògar Thirty years тому ago Lived ancestor photofroga. Life was terrible немного. Photofrog al' frog Vladimir Took his right with blood and sweat To call art his badly made Photoshops and something else. But his art with soul included Less then penis was for them. Do frogs have it, by the way? Never seen i one indeed. And moreover in supspecies Which begins with title «photo». But however this dont matter — Vlad just wants to sew on penis. As a donor, carefully chosen, Was a horse, it's name was Greg. Boys and girls, we all agree There's no story which in it No such man as plastic surgeon, Masterful like frog with jpeg. But Vlad's fate decided better (He's a sinner so it's fair) — Not today and never later. He was struck by golden hair. Right on stairs he met the one, One and only, met the love. Yes, that's what it's all about This is common story now. — What's your name? — he asked — Zhenya… — Mine is Vlad and i am a frog. I'm trustworthy son of swamp. Wanna see my photoshop? — Wow! I want to! — Then lets go. — You're so cute. Please croak some more! But in moment that her foot Touched a step, witn sudden move She fell over, broke her leg Then the arm and then the other, Other leg, then hit her head Hit her chest, convulsed with spasm. Ending fall with broken neck Zhenya was just FUCKING DEAD «Why to me?! God, why right now?! What is happening?!» — He thought He denied bitter truth 'cause in all his life in swamp Now like plum squeezed out of juice Zhenya was the first his love. (fucking) dead without reason… — But dont worry, Vlad, my son! I am Jesus, i am Christ! This was guy, so please calm down. — I don't get it — This is man, Hidden dick by pubic hair. — So… it's like? — Yes, this is guy Hairy testicles don't lie. — Oh my god! But this is worse! Such femboy has highest cost! If i let it go like that, i would better kill myself… — That is not an answer, son! — Does this mean that you're my father? — No, i never been to swamp — Then proceed. — Dont end it all! Son, that's not an answer. — All? — Yes, that's not an answer… — Ok. Vladislav decided then, Sucide is bad thing. Never give it up, 'cause life Our Father's blessing. But his scar has never healed and from now to onwards Only sees he in his dreams Ice on snowy stairs. This is all. Dear boys and girls, Even so Vlad might be cringe, Learn from him and take a note: Clean your ice and live your жизнь!
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