ID работы: 11458394

The Man in the Dark

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I want the night not to end, It s scary at night, but I love this fear, I love a living passion, to be alone in silence. Only music that allows you to get out of this world The night that takes me away, Drains fear and exhaustion.

Fear that someone is watching, This someone will come out of the darkness The suffocation that you see and feel. Fear that someone is watching This someone will come out of the darkness The suffocation that you see and feel. The feeling of raging adrenaline in the blood

What s haunting you inside You allow this feeling to take over your body and soul The real you are hiding in the dark And your dark world is closed again. The will of tears,-the will of fear- the will of happiness - the will of laughter You torture yourself, you exhaust yourself.

Fear that someone is watching This someone will come out of the darkness The suffocation that you see and feel. The feeling of raging adrenaline in the blood

Fear that someone is watching This someone will come out of the darkness The suffocation that you see and feel. The feeling of raging adrenaline in the blood

Fear that someone is watching This someone will come out of the darkness The suffocation that you see and feel. The feeling of raging adrenaline in the blood

Fear that someone is watching This someone will come out of the darkness The suffocation that you see and feel. The feeling of raging adrenaline in the blood
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