ID работы: 13354644

•🥥Coconut rose with pineapple juice 🍍•

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𓁹________________🌹_______________⚠︎ What did you think when you came there? You were small, I understand why you think you would be better? You've always been better than your dreams. You were dumb according to your brother, right? I wanted to help you, but it didn't work out, I'm sorry…but you were stupid when you said you could survive with him… Neither took you as a very young child, you were like an unusual animal for them, with such an unusual hair color, so sensitive and gentle. They played with your emotions. Why did you come to a city where you are not expected? Where you grew up and from where you ran away looking for support in the eyes of others. You're so helpless, I had to help you… sorry…. Sorry…. ________________________ 𓁹☢︎︎𒊹︎︎︎⚠︎ I woke up from the pain pressing in my temples. I had never dreamed of my mentor so vividly, I loved him so much, he replaced my parents, although I had them, but I subconsciously did not perceive them as my parents, except for the opinkuns, and myself for them as unnecessary garbage or a toy for games and ridicule. I was ready to chop off my head if only the pain would go away, but I just need to find my pills. Did my nightmares reappear after long-term treatment? Strange, I was told that I would not remember it as a terrible dream. I know it's a lie, and any factor can make me remember that summer. — «Oh, my brother, I'm sorry, I was wrong…» 𓁹 Getting up from the couch, the guy went to the kitchen looking for his pills. — «I don't like it, god, how bitter…» He said and swallowed, drinking water. Mark took a deep breath and washed his face. The boy went to wake up his sister at school, but having noticed the time [4:17] earlier, it was strange, because he never woke up at such a time. It seems the guy got hungry, warming up his food, Mark remembered that дstrange dream so much, he prada did not understand what was happening to his head. It was too confusing. Without noticing what is happening around, namely, Sarah, his sister had already woken up and was ready to go to school, was already getting ready, taking a box of food from the refrigerator, she said goodbye to her brother and mother and left: — «Bye mom! Bye, brother!» -» Bye bye sunshine» — Mom said with a gentle smile ………………………………………………… -» A? Yes, bye Sarah! Have a good day . but I need to go to college… yes …» -» Son, are you okay?» — the woman said worriedly. — «Yeah…yeah, I’m fine and don’t worry glasses» — the guy said — «Well, if you think so… okay, have a good day at college» — said mom, kissed her son on the forehead, she went to work. ........
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