ID работы: 5520633


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Часть 8

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Do what you love and do it all the time. If you do not like something - change it. If you do not like your job - put an end to it. If you do not have enough time - stop scratching your TV. If you are looking for the love of your life - stop. It will find you when you only deal with what you love. Enough to try to analyze. Life can not be analyzed. Life is simple. All the emotions are beautiful. Open your head, hands and heart for a new one. Discover people. Remember that we are united by our differences. Do not be afraid to ask. And do not be afraid to answer. Do not be afraid to share your dream and share your dream with someone. Travel Perhaps you will find yourself where you are lost. Many opportunities appear only once. Get them. Life is people on your path and what you create with them. Life is a moment. Create them. And remember, life is fast. It's time to start. Start here and now.
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