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Take her home

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Да, Я знаю, что "Книга фанфиков" - русскоязычный ресурс. При необходимости Я могу перевести эту часть. "What? You're pretty funny boy, Miles. You were the one who leaved her alone. You didn't help her when she was dying. Furthermore, you and your "friends" didn't just hurt Lily, you crippled her. She hasn't normal hands and legs anymore. In that time, when you all were ready to kill her, I appeared. I took her home. Our <I>real</I> home, not that strange place where her "parents" were living with her. I was nursing her. I made new body for her. And after all that you still think you're her friend? It's ridiculous, Miles! She has never had any friends but <I>me</I>. I am her real friend, her <I>brother</I>. And you still think you can just take her from me?" "You are not even a human, Boogie, even if you look like that. And, yes, I still want to take Lily with me. And I will! We will win the game! And return to our normal lives! All of us! I will get her parents back, and everything will be okay again!" "If it was okay for you, it doesn't mean it was okay for her. She was breaking rules just to be alive. And she was doing it for too long. She will die when you finish the game. If you want to kill your "friend"... He-he, well, have a try. Why not! We used to play so sweet when you were a little kid. And I think I wouldn't mind of playing with you again. Mr. Future-Knight's-Corpse."
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