ID работы: 8724417

Песня Единорога

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Часть 1

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Много лет по лесам бродила она и напевала одну и ту же песню. Эту песню сочинила она после того, как низвергнут был злой Король и Красный Бык ушел навсегда. И снова поля и цветы запели. Снова птицы стали радовать всех своим присутствием. А люди снова поверили в Единорогов. Однако никто не мог знать, что королева единорогов страдала от таски и печали. И лишь ему могла рассказать о своих страданиях. Такому же бессмертному и вечно прекрасному как она сама. In old England as always Green forest is beautiful. But all magnificent and for us Rodney Thorns of oak and ash-tree. Thorns of ash and oak sing Sunday bright and clear. From the whole soul to bless rush Oak, thorns and ash. Oak leaves was alive To the flight of Aeneas from Troy. Ash tree trunk in heaven gone When Brutus yet London is built. Thorns of Troy in London got And with this every agree. The old days of the story preserved for us Oak, thorns and ash. Mighty yew tree branches hung Best of all, its trunk for onions. Of alder shoes are easy And the round of the Cup of beech. But the soles RUB, but spill the wine And that's bow was in the battle was not in vain. And come back here again sing Oak, thorns and ash. Elm treacherous villain doesn't like people He winds and storms of waiting for. For the sake of the comfort of branches reset on those Who the shadow of his trust. But the traveller any sophisticated destiny Knows where the dream is safe. And breaking a long journey lies he rest Under the bramble, oak or ash. No, the population does not need to know about it He would call it a sin. We have all night wandering in the woods again, To cause the summer coming. And now we bring you some news The harvest will be today is beautiful. The sun had shone on the South of the earth And the oak tree and the bramble, and ash. Thorns, ash and oak sing Sunday bright and clear. Until the last days of may bloom magnificent The oak and ash-tree and the bramble.
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