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Я сидел и слушал музыку. Я даже не услышал, как ко мне подошла Иви. После всего этого, мы стали жить счастливо и не думали о плохом. Мэл предложила убрать барьер с той целью, чтобы люди Аурадона и люди с Острова жили в мире. Каждый должен иметь шанс на хорошую жизнь. Милый, я пришла! Смотри какое платье я сшила для себя! — проговорила Иви. Я смотрел на неё с восхищением и любовью. Ты каждый день становишься всё прекраснее и прекраснее! Я люблю тебя, Иви! — сказал я целуя её в губы. Она сказала: Тебе бы тоже не помешает что-то новое из одежды! — проговорила моя возлюбленная.- Давай, я сошью для тебя костюм в твоём любимом цвете! Я согласен! — проговорил я, улыбаясь. Я был готов носить одежду сшитую её руками. Для меня она подарок судьбы. Мы отправились в студию, чтобы моя любимая могла снять с меня мерки и чтобы побыть с ней. Тут к нам вошла Мэл и сказала: Привет, не помешала? — спросила она смотря на нас с Иви. Нет. Иви решила сшить мне костюм, вот мерки снимает с меня.- проговорил я за Иви. Слушайте, а вам, что никогда не хотелось, друг друга в другом плане? — спросила осторожно Мэл. Нет и нас это устраивает! — проговорила Иви. Я же согласно кивнул. Я не хочу торопить события! — проговорил я. Ясно.- сказала Мэл.- Просто, вы так смотрите друг над друга, словно хотите это сделать. Мэл, ты что рехнулась? — спросила Иви у своей подруги. Прости! — извинилась Мэл и начала петь: If I have to choose between seeing you again or accepting that you have left I rather pretend that I am happy for you even though you didn't pick me If I have to shatter my heart into pieces to have you in my life. By now I have to realize that love is a battlefield where some of the shots taken don't hit their target.)* Don't make me pretend that I don't know you if I'll see you)** Because you know I promised it to you, although if I were you, I wouldn't trust me If I have to erase every mark that his kisses left on you I prefer to cover them over with new ones that we should be giving each other)*** I could have been the one who would keep your heart safe But someone stole it from me without mercy when I finally thought I had it, why did it get away? I could have been the one who always wakes up next to you But our future together never happened)**** I promised myself I was never going to lose you and I don't know what happened It could have been me If only you had asked me for love advice, oh If only you had asked me for love advice, oh If I have to wait for you, I'll do it and I won't give up as time goes by (I won't give up) Even if someone else comes along and I can't talk to you, it feels the same as being alone I know it's hard to see that in the end I'll be the one who ends up hurt… But I have to realize that love is a battlefield where some of the shots taken don't hit their target. I could have been the one who would keep your heart safe But someone stole it from me without mercy when I finally thought I had it, why did it get away? I could have been the one who always wakes up next to you But our future together never happened I promised myself I was never going to lose you and I don't know what happened It could have been me If only you had asked me for love advice, oh If only you had asked me for love advice, oh It could have been me, but you left me with a crush on you Looking for your [welcome home] kiss at the station And there is no worse feeling than to long for what never happened I could have been the one who always wakes up next to you But our future together never happened (it never happened) I promised myself I was never going to lose you and I don't know what happened It could have been me (it could have been me) If only you had asked me for love advice, oh If only you had asked me for love advice, oh If only you had asked me for love advice.
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