ID работы: 11377082

Happy Hotel: Другая История

Soul Eater, Отель Хазбин (кроссовер)
112 страниц, 35 частей
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Солист - Корнелий Магне (взрослый): (держит в руке бомбу) Tic tic toc The time bomb clock Ticks grinning ear to ear here, baby (бросает бомбу в сторону, та взрывается) Tic tic toc The time bomb clock Ticks counting down Tic tic, stop You know I speak in riddles And I'm ploting to destroy Villian as I always was Crazy is as crazy does My sanity's in short supply Mad as a hatter, hey surprise! T-ticking bomb on the inside Living with the villain pacing in my mind I'm blowing up the mystery And all the pretty things you see Light flame to fuse And sparks will fly You said goodnight Now say goodbye You know I speak in riddles And I'm ploting to destroy Villian as I always was Crazy is as crazy does My sanity's in short supply Mad as a hatter, hey surprise! T-ticking bomb on the inside Living with the villain pacing in my mind Ха-ха-ха! О-о! Ха-ха-ха! (раскачивается вправо-влево) I only want to hurt you And what I want I get I only want to hurt you And what I want I (с горящими глазами) I only want to hurt you And what I want I get I'm aiming to continue So consider me a threat Tic tic toc The time bomb clock The time bomb clock The time bomb clock Tic tic toc The time bomb clock The time bomb clock The time bomb clock (из-под Корнелия начинает вылезать Тьма) You know I speak in riddles And I'm ploting to destroy Villian as I always was Crazy is as crazy does My sanity's in short supply Mad as a hatter, hey surprise! T-ticking bomb on the inside Living with the villain pacing in my mind (Тьма скрывает всё, на секунду в ней мелькают горящие глаза Лия и исчезают)
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