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POV Эльза На половину школы висит плакат с надписью "13 ОКТЯБРЯ, СОСТОИТСЯ КОНЦЕРТ ЗНАМЕНИТОЙ РОК-ГРУППЫ "30 SECONDS TO MARS"! Скорее всего, я закричала настолько громко, что меня было слышно во всем городе. А как тут не кричать? Приезжает группа от которой ты без ума, как бы Вы себя повели? В добавок, я еще и улыбаюсь как дура! Ну и что? Мне пофиг, что думают обо мне! Через несколько минут раздался такой же крик. Значит Мерида пришла. Я обернулась, чтобы убедиться в том, что я права. Как всегда. Мер любит эту группу больше чем я! Во мне сейчас ураган эмоций. Я подбежала к Мериде и вот мы стоим посередине школьного двора и улыбаемся как идиотки. Что есть, то есть! Кстати, Мерида и Иккинг тоже ходят в музыкальный клуб! Компания пополняется. Сейчас мы ввосьмером идем в класс литературы. Урок прошел бы отлично, если бы учитель не потерял свои очки. В конце концов они оказались у него в кармане... Н-да, и как говорит учительница физики: "Вы голову, случайно, не потеряли?" Может она с ним хорошо общается? Эльза, они работают в одном заведении... В этом вся я. Далее по расписанию у нас физкультура. Преподаватель- молодой спортивный парень, но приставучий. На первых уроках он ко мне клеился и если бы не Джек, кто бы его остановил! Сейчас, я, Мерида, Рапи и Туф идем в женскую раздевалку. Моя форма состояла из: черной футболки с изображением пентаграммы над которой написано "Winchester", ласин в стиле милитари и черно- белых кроссовок фирмы "Nike". На Рапи были розовые шорты, майка с изображением солнца и надписью "I'm Sun" и белые кеды. На Мер были белые ласины, футболка с изображением логотипа "30 Seconds To Mars" и надписью "30STM", а также черные кроссовки "Adidas". На Туф зеленая футболка и синие ласины с принтом чешуи, и зеленые кеды. Я помогла Мериде заплести хвост. Туф же заплела Рапи. Когда мы вышли из раздевалки, нас ждали мальчики. На Джеке были черные штаны "Adidas", синяя футболка и кроссовки "Nike". На Флине белые шорты по колено, красная футболка "Adidas" и черные кеды. На Иккинге синие шорты по колено и сине-белая футболка, на ногах желтые кроссовки. На Банни баскетбольная форма этой школы. Мы пошли в зал и нам сказали, что сегодня парни играют в футбол, а девочки в волейбол. Не, ну так не честно! Дискриминация! - Владимир Владимирович, это не честно! Девушки тоже могут играть в футбол!- обратилась я к учителю. - Эльзочка, я же сказал, называй меня Влад. Ну и с кем ты хочешь играть?- ответил он. - Я Вам не "Эльзочка"! С парнями, с кем же еще. - сказала я. - А сил то хватит?- спросил препод. - А Вы сомневаетесь?- я знаю, что Мер с радостью бы тоже поиграла, но с мальчиками она принципиально не играет. - Ок, кто-то еще будет играть?- обратился он к классу. Ответа не последовала. Я что, одна такая сумасшедшая? Ну и ладно. Мне не привыкать! - Раз больше никто не выступает, девушки, кроме Эльзы, идут играть на площадку для волейбола, а парни с Эльзой идут на поле.- произнес Влади.... Влад. Я была в команде с моими друзьями. Противники говорили, что я только обуза, но я забила 2 гола из 4! И когда стояла на воротах, ни одного мяча не пропустила. - Ну и кто еще играть не умеет?! - сказала я и победно подняла руки.- Поклоняйтесь Царю, холопчики! - Эльза, я от тебя такого не ожидал! Пойдешь в нашу команду по футболу?- спросил учитель. - С радостью!- сказала я и пошла к девочкам. Они сказали, что все не играли, а просто наблюдали за нашей игрой. Одарив меня комплиментами они меня обняли. Я их поблагодарила. Сегодня у нас занятия в муз. клубе. После уроков, мы пошли в класс. Сегодня мы выступаем. Слава Богу, я успела подготовиться. Со своей песней я не стану выступать. Первой спросили Рапунцель. Она пела песню Pink- Just Give Me A Reason.

Right from the start You were a thief you stole my heart And I your willing victim I let you see the parts of me That weren’t all that pretty And with every touch you fixed them Now you’ve been talking in your sleep Things you never say to me Tell me that you’ve had enough Of our love, our love Just give me a reason Just a little bit’s enough Just a second we’re not broken just bent And we can learn to love again It’s in the stars It’s been written in the scars on our hearts We’re not broken just bent And we can learn to love again I’m sorry I don’t understand Where all of this is coming from I thought that we were fine Oh we had everything Your head is running wild again My dear we still have everything And its all in your mind Yeah but this is happening You’ve been having real bad dreams You used to lie so close to me There’s nothing more than empty sheets Between out love, our love, oh our love, our love Just give me a reason Just a little bit’s enough Just a second we’re not broken just bent And we can learn to love again It’s in the stars It’s been written in the scars on our hearts We’re not broken just bent And we can learn to love again Oh tears ducts and rust I’ll fix it for us We’re collecting dust But our love’s enough You’re holding it in You’re pouring a drink No nothing is as bad as it seems We’ll come clean Just give me a reason Just a little bit’s enough Just a second we’re not broken just bent And we can learn to love again It’s in the stars It’s been written in the scars on our hearts We’re not broken just bent And we can learn to love again

Потом спросили Банни. Он пел Kansas- Carry on my wayward son.

Carry on my wayward son There'll be peace when you are done Lay your weary head to rest Don't you cry no more Once I rose above the noise and confusion Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion I was soaring ever higher But I flew too high Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man Though my mind could think I still was a mad man I can hear the voices when I'm dreaming I can hear them say Carry on my wayward son There'll be peace when you are done Lay your weary head to rest Don't you cry no more Masquerading as a man with a reason My charade is the event of the season And if I claim to be a wise man It surely means that I don't know On a stormy sea of moving emotion Tossed about I'm like a ship on the ocean I set a course for winds of fortune But I hear the voices say Carry on my wayward son There'll be peace when you are done Lay your weary head to rest Don't you cry no more No (Carry on) You will always remember (Carry on) Nothing equals the splendor Now your life's no longer empty Surely heaven waits for you Carry on my wayward son There'll be peace when you are done Lay your weary head to rest Don't you cry no more

У него замечательный голос! Как и всех, кто здесь находится. Затем вызвали Мериду. И как Вы думаете, что она пела? Конечно же 30STM- Attack.

I won't suffer, be broken, get tired, or wasted Surrender to nothing, or give up what I Started and stopped it, from end to beginning A new day is coming, and I am finally free Run away, run away, I'll attack Run away, run away, go chase yourself Run away, run away, now I'll attack I'll attack, I'll aa-WHOOOAAAAAAAAA I would have kept you, forever, but we had to sever It ended for both of us, faster than a Kill off this thinking, it's starting to sink in I'm losing control now, and without you I can finally see Run away, run away, I'll attack Run away, run away, go chase yourself Run away, run away, now I'll attack I'll attack, I'll aa-WHOOOAAAAAAAAA Your promises, they look like lies Your honesty, like a back that hides a knife (knife) I promise you (promise you) I promise you (promise you) And I am finally free Run away, run away, I'll attack Run away, run away, go chase yourself Run away, run away, now I'll attack I'll attack, I'll attack, I will attack Run away, I'll attack, I will attack Run away, I'll attack, I will attack Run away (Run away), I'll attack (I'll attack) I'll aa-WHOOOAAAAAAAAA Your promises (promises, promises) I promise you (promise you) I promise you (promise you, promise you)

У нее очень изменился голос с нашей последней встречи в Испании. Он стал таким сильным! Я горжусь за нее. Затем позвали Фли-Фли. Он исполнил Macklemore feat Ryan Lewis- Can’t Hold Us

Return of the Mack, get up! What it is, what it does, what it is, what it isn't. Looking for a better way to get up out of bed, Instead of getting on the Internet and checking a new hit. We get up, thrift shop, Pimp strut walking, Little bit of humble, little bit of cautious, Somewhere between like, Rocky and Cosby, Sweater Gang. Nope, nope, y'all can't copy that Bad moonwalkin', this, here, is our party. My posse's been on Broadway, and we did it our way. Grown music, I shed my skin and put my bones Into everything I record to it, And yet I'm on, Let that stage light go and shine on down, Got the Bob Barker suit game And Plinko in my style, money! Stay on my craft and stick around for those pounds, But I do that to pass the torch and put on for my town. Trust me, on my i-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t shit hustlin'. Chasing dreams since I was 14, With the 4 track, bussing, Halfway cross that city with the backpack, fat cat crushin'. Labels out here, nah, they can't tell me nothing, We give it to the people, spread it across the country. Labels out here, nah, they can't tell me nothing, We give it to the people, spread it across the country. And then we go back, this is the moment, Tonight is the night, we'll fight till it's over. So we put our hands up like the ceiling can't hold us, Like the ceiling can't hold us. Now, can I kick it? Thank you, Yeah, I'm so damn grateful. I grew up really wanting gold fronts, But that's what you get when Wu-Tang raised you. Y'all can't stop me, I go hard Like I've got an 808 in my heartbeat, And I'm eating at the beat, Like you gave a little speed To a great white shark on Shark Week. Raw! Time to go off? Gone. Deuces, goodbye. I've got a world to see, And my girl, she wanna see Rome, Caesar'll make you a believer. Nah, I never ever did it for a throne. That validation comes, So I'm givin' it back to the people now. Sing that song and it goes like... Raise those hands, this is our party, We came here to live life like nobody was watching I got my city right behind me, If I fall they got me. Learn from that failure, gain humility, Then we keep marching, I said... And then we go back, this is the moment, Tonight is the night, we'll fight till it's over. So we put our hands up like the ceiling can't hold us, Like the ceiling can't hold us. And then we go back, this is the moment, Tonight is the night, we'll fight till it's over. So we put our hands up like the ceiling can't hold us, Like the ceiling can't hold us. And all my people say... And then we go back, this is the moment, Tonight is the night, we'll fight till it's over. So we put our hands up like the ceiling can't hold us, Like the ceiling can't hold us. And then we go back, this is the moment, Tonight is the night, we'll fight till it's over. So we put our hands up like the ceiling can't hold us, Like the ceiling can't hold us.

Надо же, не знала, что Флин так круто читает реп! Молодец! Потом вызвали Туф. Она пела Zedd feat Hayley Williams- Stay The Night.

I know that we are upside down So hold your tongue and hear me out I know that we were made to break So what? I don’t mind You kill the lights, I’ll draw the blinds Don’t dull the sparkle in your eyes I know that we were made to break So what? I don’t mind Are you gonna stay the night Are you gonna stay the night Oh oh oh, are you gonna stay the night Are you gonna stay the night Doesn’t mean we’re bound for life So oh oh, are you gonna stay the night Are you gonna stay the night Doesn’t mean we’re bound for life So oh oh, are you gonna stay the night I am fire gasoline, come pour yourself all over me We’ll let this place go down in flames only one more time You kill the lights, I’ll draw the blinds Don’t dull the sparkle in your eyes I know that we were made to break So what? I don’t mind Are you gonna stay the night Are you gonna stay the night Oh oh oh, are you gonna stay the night Are you gonna stay the night Doesn’t mean we’re bound for life So oh oh, are you gonna stay the night Night night night night night… Are you gonna stay the night Are you gonna stay the night Doesn’t mean we’re bound for life So oh oh, are you gonna stay the night Are you gonna stay the night Are you gonna stay the night Oh oh oh, are you gonna stay the night

Признаюсь, ее голосу эта песня очень идет. У нее такой нежный голос... Красотка, вобщем. Затем, должен петь Иккинг. Я никогда не слышала, как он поет. Вот у меня есть шанс! Он пел Nirvana- Smells Like Teen Spirit.

Load up on guns and bring your friends It’s fun to lose and to pretend She’s over bored and self assured Oh no, I know a dirty word Hello, hello, hello, how low? (x3) Hello, hello, hello! With the lights out, it’s less dangerous Here we are now, entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, entertain us A mulatto An albino A mosquito My libido Yay! (x3) I’m worse at what I do best And for this gift I feel blessed Our little group has always been And always will until the end Hello, hello, hello, how low? (x3) Hello, hello, hello! With the lights out, it’s less dangerous Here we are now, entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, entertain us A mulatto An albino A mosquito My Libido Yay! (x3) And I forget just why I taste Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile I found it hard, it’s hard to find Oh well, whatever, never mind Hello, hello, hello, how low? (x3) Hello, hello, hello! With the lights out, it’s less dangerous Here we are now, entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, entertain us A mulatto An albino A mosquito My libido A denial! (x9)

У. Него. Просто. Зашибенный. Голос! Ему надо певцов становиться! Сейчас будет петь Джек. Так, ушки на макушке и наслаждаемся! Он объявил, что будет петь Red Hot Chili Peppers- Can't Stop. Мм, люблю эту песню.

Can't stop addicted to the shin dig Cop top he says I'm gonna win big Choose not a life of imitation Distant cousin to the reservation Defunkt the pistol that you pay for This punk the feeling that you stay for In time I want to be your best friend Eastside love is living on the westend Knock out but boy you better come to Don't die you know the truth is some do Go write your message on the pavement Burnin' so bright I wonder what the wave meant White heat is screaming in the jungle Complete the motion if you stumble Go ask the dust for any answers Come back strong with 50 belly dancers The world I love The tears I drop To be part of The wave can't stop Ever wonder if it's all for you The world I love The trains I hop To be part of The wave can't stop Come and tell me when it's time to Sweetheart is bleeding in the snowcone So smart she's leading me to ozone Music the great communicator Use two sticks to make it in the nature I'll get you into penetration The gender of a generation The birth of every other nation Worth your weight the gold of meditation This chapter's going to be a close one Smoke rings I know your going to blow one All on a spaceship persevering Use my hands for everything but steering Can't stop the spirits when they need you Mop tops are happy when they feed you J. Butterfly is in the treetop Birds that blow the meaning into bebop Wait a minute I'm passing out Win or lose just like you Far more shocking Than anything i ever knew How about you 10 more reasons Why i need somebody new just like you Far more shocking than anything I ever knew Right on cue Can't stop addicted to the shin dig Cop top he says I'm gonna win big Choose not a life of imitation Distant cousin to the reservation Defunkt the pistol that you pay for This punk the feeling that you stay for In time I want to be your best friend Eastside love is living on the westend Knock out but boy you better come to Don't die you know the truth is some do Go write your message on the pavement Burnin' so bright I wonder what the wave meant Kick start the golden generator Sweet talk but don't intimidate her Can't stop the gods from engineering Feel no need for any interfering Your image in the dictionary This life is more than ordinary Can I get 2 maybe even 3 of these Come from space To teach you of the pliedes Can't stop the spirits when they need you This life is more than just a read thru

Вот в который раз я убеждаюсь, что у него идеальный голос.... Его хочется слушать вечно... Но, сейчас настала моя очередь. - Да, неужели?!- спросила я себе под нос. Я долго думала и решила, что буду петь песню The Pretty Recklees- Zombie. В последнее время, я ее часто слушаю.

I'm not listening to you I am wandering right through existance With no purpose and no drive 'cause in the end we're all alive, alive Two thousand years I've been awake Waiting for the day to shake To all of you who've wronged me I am. I am a zombie Again, again you want me to fall on my head I am, I am, I am a zombie How low, how low, how low will you push me To go to go to go, before I lie, lie down dead Blow the smoke right off the tube Kiss my gentle burning bruise I'm lost in time To all the people left behind you are walking dumb and blind, blind And two thousand years I've been awake Waiting for the day to shake Dear all of you who've wronged me I am, I am a zombie Again, again you want me to fall on my head I am, I am, I am a zombie How low, how low, how low will you push me To go, to go, to go, before I lie, lie down dead Oh dead, Oh dead, Oh dead To all of you who've wronged me I am, I am a zombie Again, again you want me to fall on my head I am I am I am a zombie How low, how low, how low will you push me To go, to go, to go, before I lie down dead...

Вот я и закончила петь. Во время пения, я чувствую себя свободной! Ничего вокруг меня нет. Только я и музыка.... В конце занятия, нам сообщили, что скоро будет какой-то отчетный концерт и мы там выступим с танцем и песней! Ура! Там будет дует и соло. Супер! После этого нас отпустили домой. Я ужасно встала и поэтому сразу пошла домой.
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