ID работы: 3447332

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CreepyPasta, Five Nights at Freddy's (кроссовер)
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Друзья, я не знаю как мне быть... у меня пока что нет времени писать дальше фики,у меня меланхолия,и жуткое желание кго нибудь убить. Пишите в коментах,писать или удалять? Или поддержите фик лайками...мне очень нужна ваша поддержка или точка зрения. Спасибо за внимание. А так вот вам музыкальный перерыв: ceep creeping towards the door by Griffinilla They keep creeping towards the door My stomach Twists, like a worm beneath the lure My heart beat Skips, like a phonograph Old machines weren’t built to last But they keep creeping towards the door. They keep creeping towards the door Their bodies Reek, like they’re carrying a corpse Their footsteps Creak, as they circle in And the power’s running thin But they keep creeping towards the door. The phone guy tells me that there is no danger But I suspect that things will get much stranger Something about this room is hypnotizing Paralyzing Terrifying! They keep creeping towards the door My backbone Shakes, like a tremor on the floor My knee caps Quake. Why don’t I just scram? Or unplug that stupid fan! Cuz they keep creeping towards the door. These furry phonies masquerade like they’re cute The kids don’t notice ‘cause they think they’re cartoons Oh don’t look now I think that Freddie’s en route [on route] Deadly pursuit Sweaty fursuit (scat break) (guitar solo) The phone guy tells me that there is no danger But I suspect that things will get much stranger Something about this room is hypnotizing Paralyzing Terri- ...END
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